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The Soundtrackcollector database contains:
58478 Titles
84662 Labels
13810 Composers
26728 Movie Posters
60021 Cover images
42382 Track Listings
11847 Links to reviews

SoundtrackCollector has 153313 members collecting 766156 soundtracks
Search Results
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A search for 'Oz The Great And Powerful' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1 matches in composers
  1. The Great Outdoors

3074 matches in tracks
  1. The Great and Powerful Oz (02:53)
    from Wizard Of Oz, The
  2. Oz The Great And Powerful (01:25)
    from Oz The Great And Powerful
  3. The Most Powerful Man (01:57)
    from Return From Witch Mountain
  4. The Most Powerful Man (01:57)
    from Return From Witch Mountain
  5. A Powerful Union (03:24)
    from Familie Claus 2, De
  6. Powerful Baby (01:00)
    from Super Mario World: Yoshi No Shima
  7. A Powerful Noise (05:54)
    from Miriam Cutler Film Music
  8. The Red Army Is The Most Powerful Of All (00:00)
    from Reds
  9. Powerful Amazon (01:54)
    from Expédition Jules Verne, L'
  10. The Powerful Guardian (02:33)
    from Mune, Le Gardien De La Lune
  11. The Powerful Guardian 2 (02:47)
    from Mune, Le Gardien De La Lune
  12. Powerful Mario (00:54)
    from Super Mario 64
  13. Powerful Amazon (01:28)
    from Cinq Mois Sur Les Mers: L'Odyssee Atlantique Du Belem
  14. Most Powerful Sorcerer (01:28)
    from Aladdin
  15. Powerful Russia (02:53)
    from Saka No Ue No Kumo
  16. Jealousy's A Powerful Thing (03:24)
    from Jesse Stone - The Ultimate Collection
  17. Jealousy's A Powerful Thing (03:23)
    from Jesse Stone: Stone Cold
  18. Jealousy's A Powerful Thing (03:23)
    from Jesse Stone: Night Passage
  19. Jealousy's A Powerful Thing (03:23)
    from Jesse Stone: Sea Change
  20. Jealousy's A Powerful Thing (03:23)
    from Jesse Stone: Death In Paradise
Show all 3074 matching tracks